How To Smoke Hash the Right Way

Smoking Hash

Whether you are just venturing into the world of hash or have been a part of it for a while, understanding how to consume it correctly is essential. You could have the most premium hash in the world, but if you are not smoking it right, then what's the point? Don't worry because today, you will learn how to smoke hash and make it worthwhile. We will cover all basis and will not leave you second-guessing. So let's get into it, shall we?

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What is Hashish?

First things first, let's touch up on what hash is. It is the resin extract taken from the cannabis plants' glands. These glands are known as trichomes and are located on the plant surface. Once the resin is extracted and processed, it becomes a concentrated paste.

This cannabis concentrate can come in different forms like dry sift hash, bubble hash/ice water hash and rosin.

How to Smoke Hash?

Time to get down to it and talk about smoking hash the right way! The good thing is there are multiple ways to smoke hash, so you don't have to stress about being unable to do it a certain way.

You can check the methods below and see which works best for you. Let's get into it!

Smoking Hash With Joint

Of course, the first on our list would be the old-fashioned way: in a joint. Mix your concentrate with some herbs to ensure the hash burns evenly.

joint, smoke, hashish

Cannabis buffs love smoking their dry sift hash in a nice joint, which is the traditional way of smoking this concentrate. However, you must make the joint right lest the hash crumbles and gets out.

Things You Need

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What to do

Create that mix! You will begin by concocting a mixture for the joint. If you wish to mix your hash with tobacco, then make sure you put the latter in small quantities.

Next, set the filter in, place your mix in the joint paper, roll it up and voila! You are ready to smoke, so light it up slowly but steadily while taking small and widely timed puffs.

Bongs and Pipes

Another popular way to consume this cannabis plant is hash in a pipe or bong. You don't have to get into much manual hassle; get straight to it!

The pipes come in two types; one allows you to heat hash directly, while the other entails heating the glass surface and touching hashing.

What You Need

What To Do?

You will create a bed with your chosen flower herbs or flower, then add the hash by placing it over it.

pipe, smoking, hash

Light your device with a lighter or torcher, and get into it!


If you have been in the toker community, you must have heard about the wonders of vaporizers and vaping hash. They are ideal for consuming concentrates and ensuring zero plant matter contamination.

Vape, hash, smoke, vaping

These devices changed the scene for medicinal consumption by offering the choice of the controlled desired temperature. The optimal temperature is 350- 500 F or 170-230 ° C to get the most out of your vaporizer and hash.

What You Need

What to Do?

If the vaporizer offers a hash or concentrate-specific operation, add it and turn it on with your preferred temp! Begin from the coldest and go to the hottest for rich flavour.

However, some vaporizers may not offer concentrate operation, so you can get an adapter and follow the abovementioned process.

Vaporizing hash became a hit for it takes away the burning or smoking elements in the process, so there are no carcinogen risks while inhaling.

Dab Rig

People also love dab rigs for their hash because of the infamous dabbing concept. While the construction is the same as a bong, dab rigs come with a nail fitting that is a little similar to a bowl. The only difference is it comes with a side gaping that leads to the pipe.

dabbing, hash,

These devices allow cannabis buffs to consume ultra-refined cannabis concentrates products which shine a bright light on their favourite flavours.

What You Need

What To Do?

Always ensure water for this step is critical, so fill it up. Then grab your blow torch and heat the nail to 450°F or 230°C. The goal is to wait for the nail to turn orange-ish red and allow it to cool for a few seconds. Then you take that hash, put some on the nail, and cover it with the carb cap.

Wait for a few seconds, lift the covering and begin inhaling.

You can begin again after the first round by following the same method; it will bring a richer flavour and get you that desired terpenes hit.

Hot Knives Method

That's right! If you don't have the budget or patience for the devices and joints, you can find the right tools for inhaling hash in your kitchen.

Never underestimate the passion of cannabis consumers; they will always find a budget-friendly and fun way to get what they seek from plant material.

Let's discuss this further.

What You Need

What to Do?

To consume hash with the two knives, fire up both blades and wait till they get that classic red glow. Place a small amount of hashish on one knife's side and press it with the other hot knife; you will inhale the smoke this sizzle releases.

Yes, that's all!

This is a simple yet effective way to enjoy the hash.

There are no complicated processes or devices; just a good dose of DIY rigging and practicality is the way to smoke hash.

However, we do need to stress that you must be very careful about consuming cannabis; this way can get very hot and possibly burn.


And there you have it, folks! The different but right ways of smoking hashish. You are spending your money, and everyone knows cannabis flowers do not come cheap, so why not ensure you are consuming them, right?

We hope this guide helps and educates you so the next time you get your hash, you can smoke it right, choose your preferred method, and get all the flavour.

If you seek a trustworthy dispensary to buy top-quality hash online, Cheebas is here for you!